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Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


Oleh : Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur

Publikasi pada : ProMark Vol.2 No.2 Desember 2011, hal.153-163, ISSN : 2087-3077

ProMark Reg :0061211


Company documents is a document that became evidence for the company, according to company documents in addition to technological developments in the form of letters, forms can be routed into other means, namely through the micro-film and other media of such regulations actually made ​​possible the rules on corporate documents to be made in the form of documents electronic.

Preparation of corporate documents in the switch to the other media or electronic documents that can be used as valid evidence to go through the legal process in which the process is the same as the letter leaglitas documents, namely with the establishment of an official report that includes the first: the date, month and year, both the minutes are signed by the authorized official.

Shared perception of form and legality of electronic documents as outlined in all applicable legislation already is in need for the implementation of electronic documents as corporate documents do not have problems.

Keywords: Company Documents, Electronic Documents, Legal, Evidence


Pada saat ini kita telah memasuki era globalisasi, globalisasi meliputi sosial, budaya , ekonomi dan informasi. Pengaruh globalisasi sangat besar terhadap sistem perekonomian dunia, dimana melalui globalisasi ekonomi semua negara dapat melakukan perdagangan antar negara tanpa batas karena dapat terhubung melalui sistem informasi yang tersedia. Menurut Edmon Makarim (2005:231))Sistem informasi mencakup fungsi-fungsi input, proses dan output. Sistem informasi tidak hanya meliputi sistem yang bersifat eksternal tetapi juga sistem yang bersifat internal.

Keberdaan dari informasi sangat erat kaitannya dengan pembuktian hasil . . . . .. . . (baca_selengkapnya )

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