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Senin, 12 Desember 2011


oleh : Rudy Dauhan, SE., MM & Kanaidi, SE., M.Si
(Dipublikasikan pada : ProMark Vol.2 No.1 Juni 2011, hal.39-56)

ProMark Reg :0040611


This study aims to find out customer responses on service quality, service value, customer satisfaction, and impact on consumer behavioral intentions in the Express Postal services Bandung Raya. The study was conducted of 120 service users in the Pos Ekspress Bandung Raya as the study sample. Primary data obtained through interviews and questionnaires that validity and reliability have been tested first.

Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis using the gap analysis between the perceived performance and expected of service quality by users of Express Post service, service value analysis, and analysis of customer satisfaction levels, as well as verification analysis using path analysis methods to assess influence the performance of service quality, service value, customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in Express Postal services Bandung Raya.

From the research found that the Express Post service quality performance in Bandung Raya is included in good categories. However, there is the least of which is performance on the dimensions of reliability Pos Ekspress officer. Customer assumes Express Post service is considered to be profitable and is the best option compared to bids from other companies and often suggest to friends to use Express Postal services in sending documents and goods with fast service to several major cities in the country. Postal Service Express in Bandung Raya as a whole still included in the category has not been satisfactory, because there are no dimensions or indicators that have a 100% satisfaction.

From the results of simultaneous hypothesis testing, service quality, service value and customer satisfaction significantly influence consumer behavioral intentions, amounting to 36.70%. From the partial results of hypothesis testing, is found; service quality has a significant in consumer behavioral intentions, service value did not significantly influence the consumer behavioral intentions, and customer satisfaction significantly affects the consumer behavioral intentions.

Keywords: service quality, service value, customer satisfaction, and consumer behavioral intentions.


1.1 Latar Belakang

Era globalisasi menunjukkan bahwa sektor pengangkutan dan komunikasi memberikan kontribusi yang tinggi. Dalam era globalisasi arus lalu lintas barang terjadi peningkatan, yaitu diiringi dengan peningkatan kebutuhan akan sarana transportasi akan tinggi, dan arus informasi, yaitu komunikasi antar negara akan semakin meningkat dengan didukung oleh teknologi yang semakin canggih. Demikian pula di sektor jasa-jasa, di mana pertumbuhannya cukup signifikan, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas perekonomian tidak terlepas dari jasa-jasa.

Dengan melihat pertumbuhan perekonomian khususnya di sektor pengangkutan dan komunikasi, keuangan, persewaan dan jasa perusahaan, dan jasa-jasa, maka akan banyak bermunculan para pemain-pemain yang masuk di sektor tersebut, baik pemain lokal, regional maupun internasional. Globalisasi yang terjadi, berdampak langsung pula pada industri perposan, sebagai salah satu industri nasional. Arus keluar masuk barang melalui aktivitas perdagangan, perjalanan orang (sebagai turis), dan arus komunikasi yang dibutuhkan manusia di seluruh dunia akan secara langsung mempengaruhi . . . . . . . . . . (baca_selengkapnya)

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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