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Senin, 12 Desember 2011


oleh : I Made Wirya Suputra
(Dipublikasikan pada : ProMark Vol.2 No.1 Juni 2011, hal.57-63)

ProMark Reg :0050611


Distribution channels move products and services from businesses to consumers and to other businesses. Also known as marketing channels, channels of distribution consist of a set of interdependent organizations—such as wholesalers, retailers, and sales agents—involved in making a product or service available for use or consumption. Distribution channels are just one component of the overall concept of distribution networks, which are the real, tangible systems of interconnected sources and destinations through which products pass on their way to final consumers.

In the technology era, the function of distribution channel more than just move the product, but also delivering information, more accessibility before process buying, along with transaction, until interaction with the whole buying process. Channel management is the activity that very strategic in delivering product to the customer. In filling customer needs, the company has vary channel distribution for distribute its product to customer. Because of it, multi-distribution channel concept become more and very important in the competition era.

Multi distribution channel is the distribution activity that use more than one channel distribution. With multi distribution channel, the company will able to increase its service, and therefore the company become more competitive.

Kata Kunci : multi-distribution channel, pelayanan pelanggan, competitive.


Peran saluran distribusi (distribution channel), yang menurut Kotler adalah Place, merupakan salah satu unsur yang sangat penting dalam marketing mix, yaitu Product, Price, Place, dan Promotion. Selain berfungsi untuk memindahkan produk dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, Place atau distribusi juga berperan menghubungkan konsumen dengan perusahaan, yaitu tempat untuk menempatkan (menjual) produk, dan memperkenalkan produk.

Kemudahan mendapatkan produk atau jasa perusahaan oleh konsumen sangat menentukan keberhasilan perusahaan. Bahkan peran distribution ini dapat menentukan kelangsungan hidup perusahaan. Suatu produk yang telah memiliki harga yang kompetitif, memiliki mutu yang baik, dan dibantu dengan promosi yang baik pula, tidak akan bisa memenangkan persaingan.

Menyadari hal tersebut di atas, perusahaan selain mengelola produk dengan baik, perusahaan juga harus mengelola channel . . . . . . . (baca_selengkapnya)

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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